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Wednesday, 28 October 2015

I am pleased to announce that I am now registered as a fully insured Veterinary Physiotherapist, PgD A. Phys.

I graduated in September with a Distinction. My dissertation was ‘Ultrasound and manual therapy in the treatment of canine hamstring tendinopathy’. I will publish this paper in early 2016.

I have also studied extensively on the use of long-wave ultrasound for the treatment of acute and chronic canine soft tissue injuries, PEMF as an alternative to electrical stimulation and varying the LASER frequencies for the treatment of soft tissue injuries.

Additionally I have been practicing in improving physical performance in agility dogs, iliopsoas, hamstring and shoulder strains in performance dogs and electrotherapy for the treatment of canine DJD (osteoarthritis).

I am now available for consultations and treatments. It is with great pleasure that I can now announce that I will practice at the Hawksmoor Hydrotherapy centre near Nuneaton. This is one of the best equipped physio and hydro centers in the UK and includes the latest ‘fitfurlife’ treadmill based gait analysis.

Our web page contains a menu of the treatments and programs available.
As an end note, this was a childhood passion to achieve this. I would like to thank my friends, fellow students & lecturers and especially my wife Jackie for their support in making this possible.