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Thursday, 28 August 2014

Close to 1:1 weight bearing

Pleased to say that Jaidi now has a rear limb weight distribution of around 65:45 (L/R). Visually I can see his 'natural' stand is pretty square. Also if I do the 'foot on my palm' test, It is hard to tell the difference in pressure between L & R.

So looking back at my objectives:
1) Repair the iliopsoas strain and restore 'normal' muscle function

I am continuing with PEMF on alternative days with heat, massage, stretching on the others. 

Additionally we are doing standing 'on the 2 same side legs' exercises to directly strengthen the groin muscles.

This proves to be quite a challenge when picking up the RH limbs.  Our target is 5 x 30 second reps, but for now we are doing 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 seconds.

2) Increase muscle tone on RH rear limb
I use a combination of exercises to both cross train and keep things fresh
  • Isolation rear limb use. Rotation - raising front end on a gym step doing 360 pivots for 10 steps in one direction and then 10 in opposite direction.
  • Swimming, using our local stream I can work with Jaidi facing water flow so all 4 limbs are having to work against the water pressure. 
  • Slow walking with a 250g wrist weight above the LH hock
  • Lots of daily road walking. Road walking is still a primary muscle building discipline for greyhounds.
  • 1 x 10k run week to keep up CV and keep working the faster twitch fibres.
The importance of the later two is that Jaidi must walk / trot at a steady pace using all 4 limbs. It is very easy for a dog to push their weight forward so build tone towards the front end!

3) Reduce muscle tone on LH rear limb

Naturally as the weight is distributed more evenly and R rear limb becomes stronger, muscle tone on the L will decrease (i.e. less compensation). I am complimenting this with light massage to the L a couple of times a week to reduce any muscle tension.  

[1] A Survey of Injuries Occurring in Dogs Participating in Agility, By I. Martin Levy, M.D., Charles B. Hall, Ph.D.,Natasha Trentacosta, and Monica Percival



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